Saturday, March 11, 2006

Moving Time

Okay, gang I've made the first official post on the new home of 3kalb and Annoyed Llama, Error 204. It's a good one. I suggest you check it out.

Right now the blog itself is very basic. We're trying to find time to get together and fix it up. It may take us awhile. Llama is heading down to Florida the week of the 18 - 24ish. So, it'll just be me manning the blog.

This may very well be my last post on Ramblings from 3kalbia. If you want my inane jibberish you'll have to visit Error 204.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bad TV! Go Lay Down

Here's a 7 minute and 40 second video roundup of all the most controversial TV-MA moments from the past few years. Not for the weak of heart.




Hasselhoff IS Hooked On A Feeling. OH is he ever!
Is there anything Hasselhoff can't do?

You've Come A Long Way, Baby

So, in an effort to keep blogging, my brother (the llama) and I have decided to go in on a single blog. Seeing as we both post on occasion it will actually seem like there are regular posts made to it, but in actuality it'll just be us being lazy. HOO AH!

It's a piece of shit right now, but check it out. See, what will soon be, or is right now, but needs some work... ERROR 204: BLOG HAS NO CONTENT! Or as I like to call her E204.

Seeing as 3kalbia is FUBAR right now, it will soon be a distant memory. *tear*

I'll miss you, monkey.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Have Mercy

While tooling around at I came across this little gem. It's both incredible and frightnening. Enjoy! P.S. I'm digging on their music.

CAPTION: San Francisco electrocknic band Pants Pants Pants has recreated the intros to seasons 1 and 5 of Full House in painstaking detail for their newest music video.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Down and Out In Deep 13: Another List

3kalb's Games of 2k5

0.1 Resident Evil 4 (D:Capcom P:Capcom)

0.2 God of War (D: Sony Computer Entertainment P: SCE Studios Santa Monica)

0.3 Burnout Revenge (D: Criterion Games P: Electronic Arts)

0.4 Indigo Prophecy (D: Quantic Dream P: Atari)

0.5 Psychonauts (D: Double Fine Prod. P: Majesco Games)

0.6 F.E.A.R. (D: Monolith P: VU Games)

0.7 Shadow of the Colossus (D: SCEI P: SCEA)

0.8 Guitar Hero (D: Harmonix Music P: RedOcatane)

0.9 Genji: Dawn of the Samurai (D: Game Republic P: SCEA)

1.0 Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks (D: Midway Studios L.A. P: Midway)

1.1 Trauma Center: Under the Knife (D: Atlus Co. P: Atlus Co.)

1.2 Evil Dead: Regeneration (D: Cranky Pants Games P: THQ)

1.3 Call of Duty 2 (D: Infinity Ward P: Activision)

Way Down In Deep 13!

I've been meaning to post this for awhile now. So, without further ado...

3kalb's Musical Cuts of 2k5

0.1 Mahjongg - RaYDONcoNG 2005 (Cold Crush)

0.2 Bloc Party - Silent Alarm (Vice)

0.3 The Selmanaries - Here Come The Selmanaries (International Hits)

0.4 LCD Soundsystem - LCD Soundsystem (DFA/EMI)

0.5 Gorillaz - Demon Days (Virgin)

0.6 Mugison - Mugimama! Is This Monkey Music? (Ipecac)

0.7 Danger Doom - The Mouse & The Mask (Epitaph)

0.8 Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (self-realeased)

0.9 Deerhoof - The Runners Four (Kill Rock Stars)

1.0 Broken Social Scene - Broken Social Scene (Arts & Crafts)

1.1 Death From Above 1979 - You're A Woman, I'm A Machine (Last Gang/Vice)

1.2 John Vanderslice - Pixel Revolt (Barsuk)

1.3 M.I.A. - Arular (XL/Beggars)

There it is. There were quite a few albums that should be on that list, but I didn't get to listen to them until just recently on account of a broken cd player.

P.S. I can't believe you didn't put Gorillaz on your list, Au$10. I'm disfriending you. Now, go, without clothes, into the pit of honey covered rose bushes.

Mi Huevos

So, last night I found something a bit disturbing. A lump. On my testicles. Testicle. The left one. It's not that big of a lump though... about the size of a cantaloupe. It's cool though because all the chicks are checking out my package now. It's probably not cancer because of all the online medical websites that I checked out (,, they all said that cancerous lumps don't hurt. This lump hurts a bit. Especially when pressure is applied. If I get tapped on the sack I feel like I'm going to swallow my tongue. My girlfriend and mom think that it could be a cyst. Apparently cysts run in the family, and they have all been cured with anitbiotics. So, hopefully there won't be any need for surgery. If I do need surgery I guess I'll get that vacation I've been wanting for awhile. I have an apointment with the doctor on Monday morning. So, blog, I'll keep you posted. (pun intended)

3kalb. Out.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Eek Eek

When monkeys can't fly. They swim.

No. Scratch that. They can fly WITH JETPACKS! At least, that's the case in OZ F5. It's The Wizard of Oz ON CRACK COMIC COCAINE! This comic, put out by Alias, looks, to me, to have alot of promise. We're talking Dorothy with a supersoaker, a ninja scarecrow, a mechwarrior tin-man, and a lion that is strangely reminiscent of Mel Gibson in Braveheart. I haven't read it, but I was just tooling around the WWW and came across it. The art immediately grabbed my attention. I need to draw more. Anywho, here's a monkey!

P.S. Check out OZ F5's old fashioned way of settling arguments. SHOOT FOR IT!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Crowdpleasing Comics

My insight on some comics sent from Crowdpleaser...

Superman: Secret Identity (DC)
Kurt Busiek, Stuart Immonen

A Clark Kent that didn't fall from space. A story of a kid living in the shadow of his name. A kid in a universe that recognizes the superman book. A kid awakening with Superman's powers. How does he deal? Where did the powers come from? Think of Smallville in panel form that is aware of the Superman book. The art is great. The softness of the pencil sketches and the collage style colors give the book a sense of wholesomeness and warmth. It's like a Norman Rockwell Superboy.

City of Tomorrow (Wildstorm Signature Series)
Howard Chaykin

Trouble in Paradise? Well that will happen with a past as dark & shady as Old Man Foyle's. In this tale of robotic eutopia gone awary the creator's son, turned antogonist through teenage angst and parental dissilusionment, goes up against his father, the creator of said robotic eutopia. This book moves fast. Cutting through panels in such a fashion that it could be considered a montage. We catch glmipses of Jr. Sonuvabitch's parent's past, and a couple examples of why he hates them. Then at the end a twist that would make M. Night. Shamalongadingdong wet his pants in joy. Ex-cop Machina (love the play on words) has turned pimp and whoring out slutbots. He crosses paths with Jr. at a crossroads in his life. Then book one ends. Dum Dum Duuummmm. The art in CoT is definitely as dark and sketchy as the direction of the plot. Not my preferred art style, but it works well together. I do love the textures though. They do a great job of making things look gritty.

Scooter Girl (Oni)
Chynna Clugston-Major

This book had a nice slow pace to it. Like strolling through campus on a lazy fall day. It is essentially an americanized manga, or so it seems. The story itself is pretty typical for over-the-top high school drama with a hint of justice for women everywhere. Ashton Archer, womanizer from way back, hits a pot hole with scooter girl a.k.a. Margaret Sheldon. Then she vows to knock him down a notch for his shovanist ways. One thing I did like about this book is how Clugston-Major inserted song titles on certain pages in the book. It was like a soundtrack to the comic.

Billy Corgan in Smashing Guitars

So, the king of Au$10nation recently posted about this, and I thought that it was so great that I should share it with everyone as well. Here we have Billy Corgan at the Peoria, IL Civic Center during an ECW match. TIME TO THROW DOWN!

We'll be back after these commercials...

Commercial Sign!

And now back to the blog.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Up and Atom!

Wipe My Nose!

It (Blogger for Word) worked. How about that. Unfortunately Blogger for Word doesn't support images. Fleck Off, B to the W! Until you pick up image support, or maybe even Office integration ( <- some filthy Office integration. HAWT!) I'll stick to my stuffy old web-based posting.

So, news here. Lately, when I've loaded my template to make changes to my sidebars I've noticed that the latter part of the code isn't loading. I usually just reload it until all the code loads. However, I was in a hurry and wanted to make a quick sidebar change. I forgot to check, and absent-mindedly saved, and republished the template. I lost the latter half of the code. Therefore I lost all but one of my sidebars. At the moment no one can access my previous posts or archives, or links or any of that fun stuff. I sent Blogger an e-mail notifying them of the incident. I requested that they send me the last part of the template code via e-mail and I could just paste it in. I hope they do, and I hope it works.

In other news, I have a cold abrewing. So, I may not do much posting over the next few days. Nothing new, right? Well, You're right. So, there! Ha! IDK....

I have more to say, but I have a room to clean, and a shower to take, and a food to eat. So, I'll catch you all on the flip side of my bad side! (my good side)


Welcome all! This is a test of Blogger for Word. Let us see if it works.

~ 3kalb